Isabel Talens

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151 easy Instagram story ideas for online entrepreneurs and small business owners to attract leads

Do you think Instagram Story ideas are dead because now it’s all about Reels and Instagram Stories haven’t got that much reach?… Think again. Instagram Stories is where you nurture your followers into a close community of fans. Sounds great, isn’t it!!! But now… you want to use Instagram Story ideas to attract leads but you don't know what to post... Get ready... you're going to discover soooooo many… in fact 151!

Some online entrepreneurs only have Instagram story ideas to post about their products or services, and that... is a mistake. If you want to attract leads, you need to be more creative than that.

You need to create a connection that leads to engagement. That's the power of your Instagram stories ideas.

So I want to make it easy for you!

You'll never run out of Instagram story ideas again! Here are 151 easy Instagram story ideas for online entrepreneurs and small business owners to attract leads. These ideas will help you stand out from the crowd and attract more leads with your Instagram stories.

By the way, I've done something very special for you so that you can have a free cheat sheet with all these Instagram stories ideas directly where you need them.

So don't forget to download your FREE cheat sheet now.

Full disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission from.

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You can share an Instagram Story of:

  • What you’re reading

  • The music you're listening to

  • Holidays or holiday plans you're doing

  • A jigsaw puzzle

  • Knitting a scarf

  • Baking

  • Organising your closet

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You'll repeat it throughout your Instagram Stories content regularly:

This could be:

  • Your pet

  • A drink you love - coffee, tea, matcha, orange juice...

  • A game

  • You using certain products

Two great examples of this are:

  • @louisehenry with Charly, her adorable dog!

  • @lifeof_riley with the backgammon game and negroni drink.

These Instagram Story ideas make you memorable for something that isn't business.

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These are activities that anyone could do (non-business related), like:

  • walking

  • meditating

  • exercising

  • a special meal

  • journaling

The power of these Instagram Story ideas is that they let your audience peek into your life and appeal to that curiosity everyone has about knowing more about you.

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Show vulnerability, not perfection.

This could be:

  • Your morning routine and how it's changed since you had kids

  • Trying a new workout and struggling through it

  • Eating healthy and all the temptations you face

  • Shopping for clothes when you're not confident in your body

The key to these Instagram Story ideas is to show that you're human. You're not perfect and you don't have it all together.

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You also make mistakes so they can learn from you.

For example, you can share:

  • something you've tried in your business and it didn't work as expected.

  • a business idea you had that you decided not to pursue.

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Yet again, don’t hesitate to show vulnerability.

This could be:

  • A time when you felt like an imposter

  • What you're currently struggling with

  • The things you do to work through self-doubt

These Instagram Story ideas make you relatable and people will be drawn to you because they feel like they can relate to you.

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Instagram Story ideas like this one lead easy to engagement. Ask your audience what theirs is with a question sticker. I'll tell you more about these ideas later on!

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Be careful with this one!

You want to be careful with these Instagram Story ideas because you don't want to alienate anyone. But if you have a strong opinion on something, feel free to share it!

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This is a great way to show off your personality and what you stand for.

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Imperfection is great here!

With these Instagram Story ideas you'll be making yourself memorable and, especially, create a reaction.

Reactions are exactly what you want with Instagram Story ideas!

For example:

  • You've never had a Netflix account

  • You've never had a Starbucks coffee in your life

  • You can't parallel park

  • You have 10 plants and they're all named after the Friends characters

These Instagram Story ideas are great because they make you quirky. Everyone has quirkinesses and it's quite fun to know about them!

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This is a fun way to show off your personality and give your audience a peek into your life.

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Your audience loves seeing the real you and what goes on behind the scenes of your business! This is a great way to show them that there is a real person behind your brand.

These Instagram Story ideas could be:

  • Your office or workspace: This is a great way to show off your brand and give your audience a glimpse of what it's like to work with you.

  • How you make your products

  • You are in a video call with your team in action

  • A photo of you coaching your clients

  • How you ship your orders

  • A behind the scenes of a photoshoot: This is a great way to show off your products and give your audience a glimpse of what goes into a photo shoot.

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Again, this is a great way to give your audience a peek into your life. It doesn't have to be every day, but even once a week would be great!

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This is another fun way to show off your personality and give your audience a peek into your life.

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Productivity and habits are elements that your audience will LOVE as part of your Instagram Story ideas:

  • Your to-do for the day

  • Your goals for the month

  • Your morning routine to get ready to be super productive and motivated

  • What you achieve the last week

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These Instagram Story ideas could be:

  • You got a new client

  • You hit your sales goal for the month

  • You signed up for a new course

  • You launched a product

  • You published a blog post

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We all have moments where we feel like we've had an epiphany. These Instagram Story ideas could be:

  • A time when you overcame a big challenge in your business

  • When you realised you were good enough

  • A time you had a lightbulb moment about your business

  • A key business lesson that you learnt the hard way

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These Instagram Story ideas could be helpful for your audience because you're giving them an insight into how you make decisions. It could be:

  • How you decided to start your business

  • How you overcame a roadblock in your business

  • How you decide to pursue a new opportunity

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These Instagram Story ideas could be:

  • How you deal with anxiety or fear

  • How you manage your time

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Your audience will LOVE these Instagram Story ideas because they're simple and inspiring. You could even think of creating a featured regular event, with a "quote of the day".

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These Instagram Story ideas could be:

  • How you use Canva to design your Pinterest idea pins

  • How you create a lead magnet

  • How you schedule your posts

  • How you schedule your next launch

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This is a great way to give credit to someone else and also show your audience that you're always looking for new content.

Do you want to check out more of my content-packed with Instagram hacks, step-by-step tutorials and FREE Instagram templates? Here it is:

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Our brains are wired to pay attention to stories. This is why telling an inspirational story of you or someone else can really glue your audience to this Instagram Story idea.

Be mindful that talking for minutes on end on Instagram Story is booooooring... so maintain your audience's attention with:

  • a really punchy beginning

  • different video angles

  • short and snappy video clips or photos

  • don't forget that all stories have a beginning, a middle and an end! I know, sounds basic but you wouldn't imagine how many forget the end!

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This is one of the most frequent mistakes done by online entrepreneurs and small business owners on their Instagram Stories... talk, talk about their products, their business, their next coming launch, their offer...

The BIGGEST differentiator between you and the big guys is... YOU!

YOU have the absolute power of being a small business and being able to make it personal!

There is something extremely powerful about people discovering your story. It makes them understand who you are, what makes you who you are and importantly, your why.

So use this as part of your Instagram Story ideas.

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This should be one of the FIRST Instagram Story ideas you do! You could:

  • Show your audience what you do and why

  • Who you serve

  • One of your biggest achievements

  • A few personal things about you (don't make it all about biz!)

  • Combine it with a fun fact about yourself that nobody knows

This Instagram Story idea is one that you can repeat (in different formats) from time to time. Remember that as you gain Instagram followers through your Instagram strategy, not everyone will know about you.

Keep this personal introduction short and punchy! Don't go on forever!

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This is a really impactful way to connect with your audience and make sure they understand what drives you. You could:

  • How your business started

  • Your "aha" moment that made you start your business

  • The mission or the message behind your brand

The most impactful way to tell your why is truly through storytelling. So instead of making it factual, tell it as a story. The more you perfect this, the more your audience will connect with you!

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This is a great way to inspire your audience (and remind them that you too started small!) You could:

  • How you struggled at the beginning

  • Who helped you along the way

  • Your biggest achievements to date

Again, make sure this Instagram Story idea is told as a story with a beginning, middle and an end. We love finding out about the behind-the-scenes too so make sure to include some of that!

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This is a really powerful way to connect with your audience on a deeper level. A few Instagram Story ideas here are:

  • How you're feeling right now (be vulnerable!)

  • Your current business challenges

  • How you plan on overcoming these struggles

Remember that this Instagram Story idea should NOT be all doom and gloom! Make sure there's a light at the end of the tunnel and that you have a plan to get out of it.

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These are Instagram Story ideas that will help you show your audience what kind of person you are. You could:

  • Your business dreams

  • Your personal dreams

  • What kind of legacy you want to leave behind

Make sure not to be boring here! Be creative with the way you tell this story and make it engaging! Ask your audience about their dreams too! This is a perfect opportunity to understand theirs so that you can appeal better to them in your sales copy! 🎉

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These Instagram Story ideas are perfect for adding a bit of fun to your Instagram Stories! You could:

  • A weird hobby you have

  • An embarrassing moment

  • What you were like in school

  • Something silly you are afraid of

  • Something simple you can't do

Your audience loves to see the human side of you so make sure not to take yourself too seriously here!

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This is a great way to show your audience that you're passionate about what you do! You could:

  • Your favourite part of the day

  • What gets you excited to work

  • Your "why" behind your business

When you're sharing these Instagram Story ideas, make sure you sound and look like you're genuinely passionate about it!

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These Instagram Story ideas are perfect, yet again, for showing your audience that you're human (and that they can relate to you!) You could:

  • A time when you messed up big time

  • When you didn't know what you were doing

  • An awkward client meeting

  • A time when you had to ask for help

Remember, be vulnerable and don't take yourself too seriously! Also, remember to share your learnings and how your audience can avoid falling into the same mistakes.

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The best Instagram Story ideas using memories from when you were a kid are those that link back to your present, what you have achieved and what you dream of:

  • Your best childhood memory

  • A time when you were extremely proud of yourself

  • Something that made you happy every single time

  • Who inspires you to become who you are

When sharing these Instagram Story ideas, make sure to add in personal details and anecdotes to really bring your stories to life! This is a great way to connect with your audience on a personal level and show them that you're just like them.

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Always, always, always remember that the main purpose of your Instagram Story ideas is to get from followers to community.

What do I mean?

Community is a truly engaged set of followers that you have nurtured through your content and you have been a trusted interaction, an ongoing exchange with them. They are an active part of your Instagram content.

Yeah! You know, I know, that not all your followers see your content! Yeap! That's the drawback of a social media platform where your content isn't searchable, really.

However, that's where you need to be strategic with your goals on Instagram. After gaining followers, what you want is to create community. You can then direct them to where your most valuable content and products are!

So let's see some powerful Instagram Story ideas to help you with that! All of this blog will help you build your community. These are particular Instagram Story ideas that engage your followers.

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This is one of the best Instagram Story ideas because it kills three birds with one stone! When you:

  • Share content created by your audience, you are supporting them and making them feel special.

  • You are increasing engagement as they will be excited to see their content being shared by you!

  • You're also providing valuable content for your audience as they will be able to see how other people are using your products or services.

To do this, you could:

  • Repost user-generated content onto your Stories

  • Share testimonials from customers

  • Showcase photos/videos of your products being used

Make sure to tag the person who submitted the content and also include a call-to-action for your audience to submit their own content!

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You can show your appreciation for your audience and make them feel special with shoutouts. You could do a shout out of:

  • Your most engaged followers

  • Your VIPs or brand ambassadors

  • People who have been supporting you from the beginning

Remember to tag them in your Story so they see it and feel appreciated!

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This is a great way to increase engagement as people love feeling like their opinion matters! You could ask your audience to:

  • Help you choose between two products

  • Decide on the design of a new product

  • Pick the next blog post topic

  • Vote on an Instagram Story poll

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Collect valuable data from your audience about what they want to see more of from you this way! You could ask them:

  • What type of content they want to see more of

  • What their biggest struggle is right now

  • Which products they are most interested in

  • What is their favourite blog post of yours

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This doesn't need to be business-related. An everyday life question is great. For example:

  • Coffee or tea?

  • Summer or winter?

  • City or beach?

  • Dogs or cats?

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Stories! You could ask your audience for their opinion on a certain light topic:

  • What is their favourite book is

  • What they're currently watching on Netflix

  • If they prefer travelling or staying at home

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People love feeling like their content is good enough to be reposted by you! You could ask your audience to:

  • Share a photo/video of them using your product

  • Share a photo/video of them in their element

  • Submit a funny story about their day

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People love feeling like their opinion matters! So increase your engagement this way. You could ask your audience to:

  • Help you choose between two products

  • Decide on the design of a new product

  • Pick the next blog post topic

  • Vote on an Instagram Story poll

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Going live is a great way to connect with your audience in real-time! Hosting an Instagram Q&A session is always super exciting for your followers if you know they're an engaged community.

Provide value to them by answering their questions so ask them what they're interested in! You could:

  • Ask your audience to submit their questions in advance

  • Do a quick poll in your Instagram Stories to find out what topics people want you to cover

  • Answer frequently asked questions

  • Give a behind-the-scenes look at your business

Remember to let your audience know when you're going live so they can tune in!

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Recommendations are always appreciated! You could ask your audience to recommend:

  • A book to read

  • A movie to watch

  • A place to travel to

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Your Instagram followers will love that you give them this option, where they can ask what they want. However, keep in mind that you need a relatively big account for this one to work well.

  • Answering questions live on your Stories

  • Picking the most popular questions to answer

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If you have results to show, whether that be from a recent project, a campaign you ran or even your personal life - show it off!

Your audience wants to see that what you're doing is working and they'll love seeing your success.

It's essential for you to demonstrate results so that your audience identifies themselves and feels it could be them too.

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Sharing your clients' results is also a fantastic way to show off what you do!

Your audience will see that you get results for your clients and they'll feel confident that you can do the same for them.

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This could be a personal project or a business project - either way, your audience will love to see what you've been up to!

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Again, this could be a personal or business campaign. Sharing the results of your campaign will show your audience that you know what you're doing and that you're successful at it.

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If you have any written or video testimonials, make sure to share them as it's a fantastic Instagram Stories idea!

Your audience will love hearing from other people who have had success with you and it will help build trust.

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Take advantage of Instagram Stories that mention you. You can share these stories with your audience and it will show that you're being talked about in a positive light.

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Interviews are always a great way to show off your authority! You could interview:

  • A business expert

  • An industry expert

  • A personal development expert

Your interviews don't have to be long - 20 minutes is plenty of time to get some great insights that your audience will love. Then you take some clips from them and you include them in your Stories. Such a great Instagram Story idea!

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If you've been lucky enough to speak at an event, make sure you share it with your audience!

They'll love to see that you're an expert in your field and it will help build trust.

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You don't need to be speaking at an event to share your expert insights - you can do it right from your Instagram Stories!

Your audience will appreciate the valuable information and it will help position you as an authority figure.

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If you have an upcoming collaboration, make sure to share it with your audience! They'll be excited to see what you're working on and it will help build anticipation.

When you collaborate with others, it's a great opportunity to show off your network!

You can use it to drive engagement and traffic to the collaboration, which is a great win.

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When you've completed a collaboration, make sure to share it with your audience! They'll love to see the final product and it will help show off your skills. This could be:

  •  summit

  • roundup blog post

  • podcast interview

  • YouTube video

  • IG live

  • interview

Your audience will love seeing that you're connected with other experts in your field and it will help build trust.

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If you've been lucky enough to be featured in the press or receive any award recognition, make sure to share it with your audience!

It's a great way to show off your achievements and it will help build trust.

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When you're featured in an article, make sure to share it with your audience! They'll love to see that you're being talked about in a positive light.

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If you have a system, framework or process that you use to get results for your clients, make sure to share it with your audience!

It's great for your audience to see how you work and, yes, it builds trust.

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If you have an infographic of your system, framework or process, make sure to share it with your audience!

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If you have a unique point of view on a certain topic, make sure to share it with your audience!

They'll love to hear your insights and it will help position you as an authority figure.

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If you have people quoting you, make sure to share it with your audience! Nothing better for authority than seeing that you're being talked about in a positive light.

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If you have any products that you love, make sure to share them with your audience! They'll love to see what you use, how you use and why.

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This is one of the more impactful Instagram Story ideas you can use. They always create a wow factor. They also demonstrate what you say. Show it instead of saying it!

If you have a before and after of a transformation, make sure to share it with your audience! They'll love to see how far you or your customers have come.

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Instagram Story ideas with analytics screenshots are always impressive! They show that you're not just making things up but you have the data to back it up. Use these Instagram Story ideas sparingly but sprinkle them from time to time.

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Instagram Story ideas that show a change of mindset will demonstrate your approach. It provides a realistic view of your methods and round you are to focus on unblocking the mindset to make things happen.

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Instagram Story ideas that focus on a client's results are particularly special. You'll be achieving two things: one, a great recognition for your customer that will make him/her love you even more, plus the self-projection your audience will experience with this Instagram Story idea.

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If you have a case study, sharing it on your Instagram Stories is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and results. Case studies are told from your perspective and should demonstrate the transformation from A to B that you have created.

Usually, testimonials work even better because there is the voice of your customer directly. However, case studies can be more comprehensive and as impactful if not too sleazy.

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Create an easy step-by-step tutorial to share it with your audience! With tutorials on Instagram Stories, make sure they're easy to follow and achieve the results.

They'll love to see how you do things and they might even learn something new.

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Lists are always popular! If you have a list of items, make sure to share it with your audience.

They trigger curiosity and are super engaging.

They'll love the easy-to-digest format and they might even find something new that they didn't know before.

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Hacks are also always popular! Hacks that can make someone's life easier, or give a shortcut to achieve a result are absolute winners!

Hacks are highly sharable and also super memorable. A video with a set of hacks launched Peter McKinnon's YouTube channel through the roof!

Your followers will love the practical value and, chosen well, they should find something new that they didn't know before.

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If you're in the early adopter group of a new feature, make sure to share it with your audience! They'll love to see what's new and how you're using it.

You can be creative as you want and experiment because that's the whole point: being one of the first to use a new feature.

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When you're reviewing a new product, make sure to share it in your Instagram Stories! Your audience will love to see what you think about it and how you're using it.

Doing a review is also a great way to show your expertise: by sharing what you like and don't like about the product, you're also demonstrating what you know.

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If you have a quick tip that's relevant to your audience, make sure to share it with them! The practical value and the ease of use always drive engagement and that's exactly what you want!

Quick tips are also highly shareable, so make sure to include a call-to-action asking your Instagram followers to share it.

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Make sure to share it the tools you use with them! They'll love to see what you're using and how you're using it. Many times you could take this for granted and it fact, tools is one of the Instagram story ideas that can work the best for you.

You can even include a quick review of the tool and how it helped you achieve better results.

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This is a great way to show your expertise and build rapport with your audience. By de-mystifying an objection, you're also demonstrating that you understand them.

Your audience will love the clarity and the fact that you're taking the time to help them understand something better and unblock their mindset in something that could make such a great impact on them.

Among Instagram story ideas, this one is particularly important.

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These are things that can easily be implemented and achieve a quick result.

Keep always on providing value and demonstrating that you understand what your Instagram followers need. By sharing quick wins, you're also demonstrating that you want to help them move forward fast.

The practical value is over the roof and, if chosen well, they should find something new that they didn't know before.

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Sometimes is also wise to do the opposite... instead of keeping it simple, sharing true expert advice.

This could be the case if you feel that your Instagram followers are ready to level up and they're looking for more in-depth content.

If this is the case, make sure to include an expert tip! They'll love having access to such valuable information and it will help them move forward faster.

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Make sure to promote your freebie in your Instagram Story! You can use the link sticker to drive traffic to your landing page.

The great thing about this is that you can use it over and over again, so make sure to include a call-to-action asking your followers to sign up. Sounds good?

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Don't forget to include a call-to-action in all your Instagram Story ideas... more frequently than you think you should! It's easy to forget your CTA, and it's such a missed opportunity. You can use the link sticker to drive traffic to your landing page.

The great thing about this is that you can use it over and over again, so make sure to include a call-to-action asking your followers to sign up.

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This is a great way to increase the curiosity of your audience and make them want to sign up for your freebie. By giving a sneak peek, you're also demonstrating the value they'll get by signing up.

I'm going to repeat myself... but it's worthwhile... Make sure to include a call-to-action in your story and use the link sticker!

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This is one of the most powerful Instagram story ideas you can use to increase sign-ups. By showing the results, you're also increasing the perceived value of your freebie.

Make sure to include a call-to-action in your story and use the link sticker! Did I say that before? 😂

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This is another fantastic way to increase the perceived value of your freebie. By showing different ways to use it, you're also demonstrating that it can be used in different situations and appeal to different segments of your audience. That is important! Not all your audience is the same.

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Make sure to include a call-to-action in your bio asking your followers to sign up for your freebie. You can use the link sticker in your Instagram story to drive traffic to your bio.

Use these two methods. They both work and at the end of the day the more options you give your Instagram followers to grab your freebie, the better.

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This is one of the most creative Instagram story ideas you can use to grow your email list using Instagram Story ideas. By creating content upgrade freebies, you're offering your followers more value depending on what they want to learn.

You can still use the link sticker in your Instagram story to drive traffic to your landing page where they can sign up for your content upgrade freebie.

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This is a great way to increase the urgency of your offer and get people to sign up for your freebie. Drive traffic to your landing page where they can sign up for your webinar.

The one thing you want to use is an Instagram countdown timer! Oh yes! They're fantastic tools to remind your audience that your webinar or live is starting soon!

Don't forget to include all the relevant information such as the date, time, and a brief description of what they'll learn.

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This Instagram Story idea is a smart strategy to get more exposure for your business and also increase the perceived value of your freebie. By collaborating with other businesses, you can create a more comprehensive and valuable freebie for your audience.

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Split test different freebies to see which one performs best in your Instagram Story ideas. By testing different freebies, you can find the perfect offer for your audience.

And that will create such a difference in results.

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Want to increase loyalty among your followers and also get them to sign up for your freebie? By creating a freebie exclusive to your Instagram audience, you're showing that you value their loyalty.

That will also get them to show up regularly in your Instagram stories as they know they obtain things you don't offer somewhere else.

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What are you working on right now? Are you going to launch something soon? Such Instagram Story ideas are gold.

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This is one of the most effective ways to create anticipation for your launch. By teasing your launch a few days before, you're getting people excited about what's to come.

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This is a sneaky way to let your audience peek into your to-do list so they see what you're working on and also increase the anticipation for your upcoming event.

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An alternative method to create the same result is to show a behind the scenes so your audience can see what goes into making your product or service.

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People love seeing how you manage your productivity and achieve your progress. It also increases the anticipation for what's to come. Showing progress is motivating and it also gets people excited about your upcoming launch.

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But there is nothing better than a short sneak preview, don't you think? This is one of the most effective ways to create anticipation as people will want to see more... and that's exactly what you want!

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If you're writing an ebook, this is a great way to create anticipation for its launch. By sharing a short sneak preview, you're getting people excited about what's to come.

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Do you write blogs? Do you want to increase traffic to your blog? Share a snippet of your new blog post! This is a great way to increase traffic to your blog as people will want to read the full post.

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Ahhhhhhhh.... You're thinking you aren't sure how you feel about this... Instagram Story ideas to sell... really? Yes! You can and you should!

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Before you start your official launch, wouldn't it be extra special as an Instagram Story idea to pre-launch to your Instagram audience? You can give them a sneak peek, share a behind the scenes or let them know what's coming soon.

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A great way to get people excited about your launch is to offer a special discount to your Instagram close friends first. By doing this, you're making people feel special. You're treating them differently. They have something special from you! That builds excitement about your product or service and also creates a sense of urgency.

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This is one of the most effective ways to create a sense of urgency and get people to buy your product or service. By offering a discount for the next 24 hours only, you're creating a sense of urgency that will motivate people to buy.

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The difference with the previous one is that a flash sale lasts a few days (3-4 days). So if you want to extend the urgency, a flash sale is a great idea.

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If you sell physical products, not just digital ones, this is another way to create urgency and get people to buy your product or service. By offering free shipping for the next 24 hours, you're making it easier for people to buy.

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You can use an Instagram Story to increase urgency and sales by adding a countdown timer.

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By pre-building interest, you're creating a sense of anticipation that will motivate people to buy. Many launches forget this phase and then go directly to the sale! Mistake. Always build up interest first.

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If you want to increase sales, offer a free gift with purchase! Great Instagram Story ideas to sell are those that show free bonuses available with your products. Desirability makes a real difference.

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You can use your birthday or business anniversary as an excuse to offer a special sale! Get a sales boost and get people excited about your product or service.

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If you have any paid resources, such as an e-book or a course, make sure to share them on your Instagram Stories!

Your audience will love that you're offering something of value for a price and it will help position you as an authority figure.

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If you've launched a new product, service, or course, make sure to share it with your audience! They'll love to see what you've been up to and it will help increase sales.

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If you've launched a new feature, make sure to share it with your audience! They'll love to see what you've been up to and it will help increase engagement.

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If you want to increase sales, offer a discount code for your Instagram followers! They'll love the fact that they can save money on your product or service.

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This is in fact a combination of some of the previous Instagram Story ideas focused on launching, so I'll keep it super simple. Think of things like

108. Tease your launch

109. Promote your launch freebie (you can create an incentive for early birds)

110. Present your offer

111. Share comments about your live event

112. Share testimonials, create social proof

113. Ask a question sticker

114. Promote a Live IG to have a Q&A about what you're launching

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In the same way that you can promote your webinar to your audience, you can help a fellow online entrepreneur to get sign-ups to their event. This can open up collab options later on down the line.

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This is a slightly different approach than the previous one. This considers that you have agreed to share revenue and you're both promoting an event to leverage your audience through Instagram Story ideas.

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You can give a shoutout to another entrepreneur whose products or services complement yours! This is a great way to create a win-win situation and get your audience interested in what they have to offer.

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This is a great way to give back and collaborate with a non-profit organisation. You can help promote their cause on your Instagram Stories and raise awareness for a good cause.

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Never discard a customer for a potential collaboration. You can have a complementary offer and use Instagram Story ideas to show off one of your customer's products to support them while showing the impact that you've made on your clients' or customers' lives. This will help create social proof and get people interested in what both of you have to offer.

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Promote content that you're creating together with someone else, and it will help increase both of your audiences. This can be done as a regular thing or as a one-time promotion.

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This is a great way to show some love to someone whose content you enjoy and it can open up the door for collaboration in the future.

These are just some of the many Instagram Story ideas that you can use to collaborate with other businesses or entrepreneurs. The important thing is to be creative and think outside the box!

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Keep on showing some love to someone whose content you enjoy. Do what you would love someone to do with your account.

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You can switch who has control of each other's Stories for a day.

Well, a takeover of your Instagram Story might feel scary... II admit I have never tried this! However, with the right trusted partner, it will inject fresh new Instagram Story ideas into your account!

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Why not learn from each other and provide value to your audiences. This is such an easy and fun way to collaborate with Instagram Story ideas.

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Make sure you're promoting your content on all of your social media platforms for maximum reach. You can use Instagram Story ideas to share your Reels or posts on your other channels such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn... and Pinterest!

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This is less and less needed with the ability to use the link sticker... however it's always a good idea to educate your audience about the fact they can always find value and your products in the Instagram bio link

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Nothing like increasing excitement and getting people interested in what you have to say. Don't assume people know and say it... not all your audience sees all your Instagram Stories.

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When you are live on Instagram, take the time to cross-promote your Instagram Story ideas, so that those who are watching you live know that you have special content and offers for your audience there.

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Why not include a teaser of your latest YouTube video as one of your Instagram Story ideas? What's essential is select a clip that entices your audience to want to know more. Then, make it easy for them and include a link sticker.

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Do you blog? Are you leveraging the power of Instagram Story ideas to promote your blog on Insta? Nothing better than bringing some really strong extracts from your blog to Instagram Stories and including a call to action for your Instagram followers to read the full blog on your website.

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As an influencer, you are often asked about the products you use... so why not do a little unboxing of what you use on your Stories. Obviously, if it's a product you were gifted or paid to feature, don't forget to add the required hashtags such as #ad.

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Reposting a DM from a fan is always a great way to show some love but also to engage with your audience. You can either use the screenshot feature or the native Instagram repost feature.

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Going live with another influencer in your niche is a great way to show some love but also increase your reach as you will be exposed to each other's audiences. It also builds your image. This is a great way to collaborate with other influencers and come up with new Instagram Story ideas.

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This is similar to idea number 129, but it's more about the products you've just purchased. It can be fun to do a little haul of what you've just bought, whether it's beauty, fashion or any other type of product.

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As an influencer, you are in a great position to do reviews of products, services or experiences. This is always valuable content for your audience.

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This is also similar to idea number 129, but it's more about the products you've just received, whether it's a gift or something you've ordered. It works really well with newly released products that you have early access to or highly desirable products that your audience would love to have a sneak peek about.

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Part of being an influencer is being creative and coming up with new content ideas. So, why not launch a challenge as one of your Instagram Story ideas? It could be anything from a fitness challenge to a dance challenge or even a creative challenge. The options are endless!

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This is a great way to engage with your audience and increase your reach as people will be excited to share your raffle or giveaway with their followers in the hope of winning.

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Ask people to tag you when they use your products or services or even do one of your habits like making a coffee.

User-generated content is always valuable as it's a great way to show some love to your fans but also get some fresh content. It's also a way to show that you are active and engaged with your audience.

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This is a great way to reach new audiences, as well as create some really great content. It's also a fantastic opportunity to build relationships with a brand and generate income.

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Instagram Story ideas like this could be absolutely anything. Bad takes of you on video. Something funny you come across during your day and you share, a mini simple fun game.

The spirit is to chill and have fun!

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We all love a good meme and they are always a hit on social media! So, just us one in one of your Instagram Story ideas.

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The absolute key here is simplicity. Here are some examples of Instagram Story ideas:

  • This or that

  • Guess which one…

  • What would you do

  • 2 lies and a true

  • A or B

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Don't you love simple ways to engage with your audience and give them a little insight into your life? It's also a great way to get some feedback on what you should be doing with your time off!

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So, if you're funny, use that to your advantage in your Instagram Story ideas!

And if not, re-share something funny.

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This is a great way to connect with your audience, especially if they are interested in travel. It's also a fantastic opportunity to show off your skills and knowledge.

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Among all of the different Instagram Story ideas in this blog, these bonus one are gold.

This will drive far more engagement than anything else. Don’t over use them however!

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You're constantly bombarded with content that looks, feels and even sounds the same! You become numb to so much... hence the short spam and the constant swiping.

So show something UNUSUAL.

Only you know what your niche sees constantly and therefore what are great Instagram Story ideas to draw attention to. Just remember...


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The same goes for opinions. This is really where you make your voice stand out. Don't be a parrot to what everyone says.

Share an opinion that is unusual. A very personal perspective that shows your personality or your unique approach.

And then, my friend, your audience will pay attention!

It feels scary but once you go there, and try it, you'll do it more. It's normal to feel vulnerable too!

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Well, I want you to treat this carefully. Don't go silly for the sake of it.

Don't be controversial without deeply believing in what you say.

There is a HUGE difference between being clickbait for the sake of clicks and being controversial because you very honestly want to express a view that many might not agree with.

That fine line is important to walk on the right side of it not to lose credibility with your audience.

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Now with ability to have close friends as a smaller community of your followers, take the opportunity to create Instagram Story ideas that share exclusive content, where your Instagram close friends can see more behind the scenes, analytics or strategies that you keep for them only.

This is probably the best way to absolutely best nurture your more active followers and drive engagement through the roof into your DMs.

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Instagram has signalled very clearly that the platform will favour own created content. This in fact means that those strategies where you constantly someone else’s feed posts for the sake of maintaining your Instagram Stories on-going are not in the long term a great approach.

You’ll also always connect so much better with something personal that an impersonal repost as your constant Instagram Story ideas. We see that a lot. There is a place for reposts… just don’t make it your main source of content in your Instagram Stories.

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What next?

Time to take action! Keep your Instagram Story ideas flowing in your feed and remember that it’s ok to take a break from time to time. Don’t overwhelm yourself to have the feed constantly with content. You have plenty of ideas here to get inspired and delight your Instagram followers.

Don’t forget to comment and tell me:

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It is an absolute privilege to know that you read and find value in my blog!

A HUGE thank you for being here with me until the end.

Don’t forget to pin this blog on Pinterest. Just hover over the pin below and click the Pinterest logo!

Thanks soooo much for helping me share it!

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Hi! I’m Isabel

For years and years I have created and produced content, in particular visual content. You can find me very often with my cameras and tripod out and about! 

My passion: to help you with your online presence and drive business growth through my blog and visuals collections (marketing templates, styled photos & video).

Ah, I have also worked for 24+ in the corporate world, leading quite a mix: transformation, marketing, coaching, sales, productivity, programme management, investments and product management. 

I love sharing all these skills with you in my blog.

I am also founder of Agavea Properties, our family holiday rental business.  My husband and I lead it with the passion with one goal in mind: serving our customers to create a memorable holiday experience for them.

So there you have it, that’s me! Ah... I almost forgot, my happy place is by the sea

Thanks for being here with me!