Elegant Cream & Pink Desktop Photo Collection

Elegant Cream & Pink Desktop Photo Collection
Transform your digital presence & customer content
An elegant collection of feminine desktop photos.
23 stock photos for personal & business use*.
3 FREE bonuses worth $30 (for a limited time only).
Create a strong brand with stunning visuals.
Great for your digital presence: your website, webinars, lead magnets, presentation slides, workbooks, course content, email headers, customer service guides, downloadables, mood boards, Instagram feed, Instagram stories, Pinterest pins, Facebook posts, marketing ads in social media, promotional material and so much more.
For a limited time only:
Get these 3 fantastic FREE bonuses worth $30:
6 Insta post (square) template
6 Pinterest pin templates for a webinar promo (easily customisable for anything else)
6 free styles square photos
Ideal for:
course creators, educators & coaches
creative entrepreneurs, content creators
web designers, graphic designers
social media and marketing managers
virtual assistants
online store owners
What you need
A free Canva account to access the Canva templates.
If you have any questions
Please contact me by email. I will be happy to help.
How it works
After you purchase, you will receive an email with the link to download the instructions to access your purchase. Please keep in mind that links expire 24 hours after accessing them.
Open the pdf file and follow the instructions to:
a) download the photos files
b) access the templates.
What you can do
A collection of visuals include a non-exclusive, limited use license.
You can use the visuals for personal, commercial, or editorial purposes online or in print in any way that is not prohibited (see "Non-permitted uses" below).
You may crop, rotate, flip, and/or resize the visuals. You may overlay text, screenshots, designs, or your product photos. You may add color or filter overlays. Please do not otherwise alter, edit or manipulate the visuals.
You can share your flatten designs as a pdf file only via email, through your website or your social media accounts.
You may upload visuals to your website, blog, or social media platforms / schedulers for your own business use.
You may use the visuals in digital products such as courses, workbooks, ebooks, and other pdfs or downloads where the primary value of the end-product is the content, not the design (see "Non-permitted uses").
You don't need to credit me (although it is always nice!).
For the avoidance of doubt, “visuals’’ are any kind of visual content, such as for example photos, videos, graphics, animations and templates.
Please refer to www.isabeltalens.com for the full Terms of Use and other terms.
Copyright and terms of use
Copyright: Isabel Talens - All Rights Reserved
The copyright for this product (photos, videos, graphics, animations, and templates) remains with Isabel Talens.
By purchasing this product you agree to the Terms of Use included here and in www.isabeltalens.com website.
These templates can be used for personal and commercial use, subject to the Terms of Use (see below) and the full terms and conditions in www.isabeltalens.com.
All sales are final. Due to the digital nature of this product, no returns or refunds will be accepted.
The fonts are included in the free version of Canva.
*Subject to Terms of Use in www.isabeltalens.com